martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

SALEM - the great band

greetings brothers, again here, and this time to close the post of bands from the Middle East, although it is true has not been able to include several bands of the circle but it was to upload information of the most outstanding, I want to clarify that there is no no political, dogmatic or religious interest, our interest is to make known bands of the under circuit and bands that were and will be part of our influences as dark metal and its derivatives, thanks to you for your support and we hope that little by little you will lose the fear and can participate in this blog that is for you.
we are going to include information from various bands from all corners of the world, so long life brothers and sisters are going strong.
this time I leave to one of the best bands that gave birth to the Middle East, I talk about the great SALEM.

Salem, the first extreme metal band in Israel, was formed in 1985, under the name Axe Metal, and is thus one of the first bands in the worldwide underground metal scene to play brutal black metal. This can be heard in their self-titled rehearsal tape from 1986 and their live demo Destruction Till Death from 1987, recorded at the legendary 'Penguin' club, the only outlet for alternative music in Israel throughout the 1980s. This formula was later perfected by bands such as Beherit and Blasphemy in the early 1990s.
Salem's music is a combination of doom/death metal (slow-paced death metal) with oriental elements and high-pitched screaming-vocals (distorted hoarse screams). Riffing, henceforth, can range from slow and heavy doom metal riffing to very fast and rapid death metal riffing. This sound evolved from Salem's original style (first two demos), which was old-school black metal. Salem's latest two studio albums are much heavier than their former LP's.
I hope you liked it, this was Metal from the East, stop by our page and tell us.
Lord Agrakas.

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